Monday, March 2, 2015

Cut: Week 6


I am still not tracking calories or macros. So nothing to report here!


Last weigh in weight: 62.8 kg
Current weight: 62.1kg
Weight loss: 700g


  • NLA for Her Shred Her 1x per day first thing in the morning
  • Pea Protein Isolate 40-50g per day in my morning shake
  • Cellucor C4 Pre Workout 3/4 scoop 3-4x week
  • Probiotics 1x per day
  • Multivitamin 1x per day
  • Fish Oil/Cod Liver Oil 1x per day


I have only done one upper body and one lower body weight workout this week along with 3 cardio sessions. I am still feeling weak and struggling to exercise (weights) first thing in the morning, so I am only exercising while my husband is at home or my son is at pre school later in the day, as long as its not too hot.

How am I feeling?

I am still feeling good. I am enjoying not counting calories. I find I am hardly ever hungry, so sometimes I have to remind myself to eat. If I want something sweet I eat it, and find I am satisfied after only eating a little bit. Before when I was counting calories, I would crave sweet stuff all the time and felt very restricted, even though I wasn't 'dieting' as such. The only time I will count calories again is when I am reverse dieting and bulking which I plan to do again over winter.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cut: Week 5


I am still not tracking calories or macros. So nothing to report here!


Last weigh in weight: 63.2 kg
Current weight: 62.8kg
Weight loss: 400g


  • NLA for Her Shred Her 1x per day first thing in the morning
  • Pea Protein Isolate - 50g per day in my morning shake
  • Probiotics 1x per day
  • Multivitamin 1x per day
  • Fish Oil/Cod Liver Oil 1x per day


I did one workout the past week which was an upper body weight training workout. I have just been keeping active instead. I am back to workout out this week.

How am I feeling?

I am feeling great.  We spent the weekend away camping and fishing where I ate things like bacon, chocolate, pizza and a ton of freshly baked white bread (so worth it). I am actually quite surprised that I lost weight. I am still enjoying eating intuitively and I am starting to stop counting calories in my head. It feels really bizarre not tracking calories after doing it for so many years. It feels freeing. I'm not sure if thats the right word, but I'm not sure how else to describe it.

Here are some of the meals I ate this week:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cut: Week 4


I am currently not tracking calories or macros and am just eating when I'm hungry. I have found that my cravings have almost gone and I am making better food choices. It feels great to have a bit more balance.


Last weigh in weight: 63.7 kg
Current weight: 63.2kg
Weight loss: 500g


  • NLA for Her Shred Her 1x per day first thing in the morning
  • Pea Protein Isolate - 50g per day in my morning shake
  • Probiotics 1x per day
  • Multivitamin 1x per day
  • Fish Oil/Cod Liver Oil 1x per day


I am slowly starting to incorporate weight training back into my routine. Doing an upper/lower split and 1-2 cardio sessions per week.

How am I feeling?

I am starting to feel better, although am still a bit tired. I'm trying to rest as much as possible and fuel my body with healthy food.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Exercise is Making Me Sick

I feel tired.
I feel nauseous.
I feel defeated.

Where do I start with this?

Before Christmas I started to get nausea during exercise roughly 30 minutes in. I of course, didn't listen to my body and continued to get up and 4.30am to exercise, relying on a pre workout to get me through the day and my workouts.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago where I started to get sick. Flu like symptoms, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, nausea, hair falling out, racing heart, headaches. I thought I had come down with a weird flu of some sort. Apparently that wasn't the case. So why was I experiencing these symptoms?


Me overtraining? I doubted it. I always thought overtraining was something that affected athletes and people who exercised for hours a day. Unfortunately that isn't the case, and because of that, I ignored the symptoms.

What are some of the symptoms of overtraining?

  • Increased resting heart rate (greater than 5bpm over normal)
  • Decreased muscular strength
  • Increased submaximal heart rate
  • Inability to complete workouts
  • Chronic muscle soreness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Increased incidence of injury
  • Suppressed immune system
  • Absence of menstruation
  • Frequent minor infections/colds
  • Insomnia
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Lower Testosterone Levels
  • Higher Cortisol Levels
  • Loss of appetite

Why do I think I suffered from overtraining?
I don't believe it was the length or amount of time I trained (45 mins 5 days per week) that caused it, but I do believe there were other major factors.
1. Not consuming enough micronutrients (aka nutrient dense food).
2. Taking a pre workout daily that has a range of additives (colourings, artificial sugar).
3. Not getting enough sleep.
4. Not listening to my body when symptoms started.
5. Suppressed immune system from all of the above.

I have been known to not listen to my body (hence how I ended up with golfers elbow that lasted two years). I never thought I would have suffered from overtraining because I technically wasn't 'over training'. I wasn't exercising twice a day or for hours at a time. I wasn't training for a marathon or overexerting myself. I went at my own pace for a moderate amount of time. That to me wasn't over training. Ahhhh how I wished I had done my research a bit earlier.

What now?
I'm still trying to figure this out. I know what I have to do, but I really really don't want to do it, and that is to stop lifting weights and doing any strenuous cardio until I feel better again. Currently the only exercise I can do without feeling sick to my stomach is low intensity cardio, and I mean LOW, keeping my heart rate under 125bpm.

I am going to rely on my resting heart rate to keep track of overtraining, as this is one of the things I noticed first. My resting heart rate usually sits at around 55bpm. It is currently sitting at 70bpm.

I am going to continue to keep my protein intake high to try and prevent muscle loss, focus on getting enough micronutrients, get more sleep and enough rest. In short, I am going to focus on HEALTH.

Stepping away from the weights is going to kill me, but I know it needs to be done. Strength training is my outlet, my me time, a place to relieve stress. Not having that for a while is going to be difficult. And no, cardio just isn't the same.

I know I am not alone in this. I have read tons of forums relating to this issue. Unfortunately I think a lot of people believe in order to overtrain, you have to actually train excessively, and that just isn't the case. I hope that by posting this people will be able to identify the not-so-common symptoms of overtraining and start making a change before they get too far into it like I did.

Don't do what I did. Listen to your body.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What I'm Lovin' Wednesday

1. Fifty Shades of Grey
I have read this book about 5 times already and I cannot wait for the movie to come out tomorrow. I don't think I have ever been this excited for a movie.

2. My Macros + App
This app is awesome, especially if you are a macro tracker.

*not my macros pictured

3. Beats Headphones
I got these for Christmas and I never exercise without them. Best headphones ever!